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  1. Installation CD

    • SMART-81 Installation CD 2025.01.02
      Version 24.12.24 308.0M Download
      1. Printer Driver
      - Added Enhance mode
      - Modified 300dpi color profile
      - Adjusted 600dpi printer's k panel heatcontrol algorithms
      2. Design Software
      - DLL Update (Fixed the YMCKOK back color printing bug / Fixed the bug where the ribbon type is incorrectly passed when connecting to the network for SMART-81 / Applied the latest ICM file)
      - Added previous log format to Print Log
      - Fixed the error when saving the project at the root of the C drive
      - Fixed the bug where the drag box does not disappear when dragging beyond the view
      - Fixed the bug where an incorrect pop-up appears when using a non-color panel ribbon while setting up the YMCKK ribbon printer
      - Changed the folder settings dialog during project creation
      - Added NTAG URL encoding feature
      - Added formatting feature before encoding and progress pop-up during formatting
      - Updated the manual
      - DLL Update (Fixed the SMART-81H output bug / Fixed the bug where the front side is duplicated on the back when printing double-sided in the x64 version)
      - Added ICM file ini settings
      - Fixed the bug related to printing Vietnamese Unicode extended characters
      - Fixed the bug where images are incorrectly output during continuous printing
      - Added a pop-up to choose whether to delete or not delete CSD Fields when opening CSD files
      - Fixed the bug related to the sorting function in the database tab
      - Modified the input fields to move sequentially when pressing the Tab key while adding/deleting cards
      - Fixed the bug where the back side is printed in black and white even when specified as color during double-sided printing with SMART-51 YMCKOK
      - Fixed the bug where the printer's ribbon type is incorrectly read when connecting to the network for SMART-81
      - Fixed the bug where the selection box remains when releasing the mouse after dragging outside the screen
      - Fixed the error when creating a project on the C drive
      - Add "Template Wizard/Auto Update Config" setting button in the options tab.
      - Fix bug in "Print/Unprinted Card View" feature.
      - Add timeout when searching and validating printer drivers.
      - Update ICM file and DLL.
      - Fix bug during large data deletion.
      - Fix file save permission issue during auto update.
      - Add exception handling for printer driver validation to prevent freeze caused by third-party printer drivers.
      - Create a plugin tab and migrate functionality.
      - Add default encoding for contactless/contactless cards.
      - Add program auto-update feature.
      - Update manual.
      - Modify print history log file feature.
      - Add popup when entering field functionality after opening CSD document.
      - Add copyright and license information in Help tab.
      - Fix error when renaming field names.
      - Fix bug where the default image of the image object disappears when unsetting/setting a field.
      - Fix bug in "Print/Unprinted Card View" feature.
      - Fix bug in Save Preview function.
      - Add version number to file version.
      - Adjust loading bar speed.
      - Fix data change bug in Object Properties Pane.
      - Fix focus bug when adding filter in Database tab.
      - Fix bug in "Print After Card Modify/Add" feature.
      - Fix bug when double-clicking image row in DB tab to insert.
      - Modify to ignore meaningless Excel data when using Excel import function.
      - UI change (match each Dialog theme and general modification of Spread Sheet UI).
      - Fix bug where some items in the right Object Properties Pane don't update.
      - Modify "Apply All" function when editing images in DB tab.
      - Fix MS encoding error for SMART-70.
      - Fix logic for selecting printer during print in Database tab.
      - Fix issue with non-responsive buttons in the top section of Database tab.
      - Fix bug where row height changes in Spreadsheet.
      - Modify MS encoding to work correctly in various cases.
      3. Etc
      - DDInstall : Added silent install mode

      1. Printer Driver
      - Added k-zone
      - Modified test image

      1. Printer Drvier
      - Adjusted 600dpi printer's k panel heatcontrol algorithms
      2. Design Software
      - SmartComm70.dll update (fixed an issue where printing in driver mode resulted in printing to a different panel)
      - Fixed a bug where the row height in spreadsheets was changing
      - Fixed an issue where encoding with SMART-70 MS would fail if some Track data was missing
      - Modified to ensure normal operation for various cases during MS encoding
      - Fixed a bug in the Plugin_briquet of the RF Plugin
      - Fixed an issue with importing xls files
      - Fixed a bug where the entire panel was printed when applying a UV panel
      - Corrected mistranslations in Japanese
      - When renaming file/project names (.csd, .csp, .db), the table names in the DB file are automatically changed
      - Added JIS Track support for Magnetic Encoding, and modified to allow mixing more than two fields and text during magnetic encoding
      - Enabled the use of 'freeze panes' in imported Excel files
      - Added a popup to select the root folder when an image path is specified only by file name during Excel import
      - Modified to allow copying and saving images upon entering background image editing
      - Added a feature to save images via right-click
      - Fixed bugs in the search function
      - Added GetLastError code for SM_F_DEVIO
      - Updated DLL files
      - Fixed errors occurring on PCs without driver installation
      - Added a message to switch to single-sided printing in the DB tab if the printer does not support duplex printing
      - Limited the number of log files to 50
      - Updated translations for Russian
      - Fixed bugs in the help section
      - Modified the Cabincrewbadge template
      - Added an option to lock the movement of objects in the object properties
      - Fixed a bug where the template wizard opened upon double-clicking to open a project
      - Modified the width of the right object property pane to adjust according to the window ratio
      - Fixed the functionality to print immediately after adding or modifying a card
      - Improved image load functionality when scrolling in the database tab
      - Fixed a bug when creating a blank template
      - Fixed errors in the capture function
      - Changed the name of the uninstall file

      1. Printer Driver
      - Adjusted 600dpi printer's k panel heatcontrol algorithms
      2. Design Software
      - Fixed errors when connecting magnetic fields
      - Fixed issues with printing SMART-81 projects with 600dpi settings to 300dpi
      - Fixed bugs with 600dpi barcode sizes
      - Fixed errors when applying cell formats in .xls files
      - Added functionality to create a new DB file by copying the fields if the DB file is corrupted
      - Added functionality to select and use a different backup file when abnormal termination
      - Fixed an issue with applying cell formats when using xls files
      - Fixed intermittent bugs where the Design View size was incorrect
      - Fixed printing issues when connecting SMART-81 to the network
      - Fixed bugs in exporting to Excel/DB
      - Added a popup when the printer name is longer than 32 characters
      - Modified to import text as is for custom cell formats in Excel
      - Added Magnetic Encoding, JIS Track
      - Modified Magnetic Encoding to encode two or more fields and text mixed together
      - Modified to support importing Excel files with 'Freeze Panes'
      - Added a popup to select the root folder when there are image paths that are only specified by the file name in Excel files
      - Modified to allow copying and saving images when entering the background image editing mode
      - Added functionality to save the image when right-clicking on it
      - Updated DLLs
      - Fixed errors occurring on PCs without installed drivers
      - Limited the number of log files to 50
      - Updated translations (Russian)
      - Modified the Cabincrewbadge template
      - Added an option to lock objects from being moved in the object properties
      - Modified the Object Property Pane on the right to set the width according to the window ratio

      1. Printer Driver
      - Adjusted k panel heatcontrol
      - Added 600dpi color profile
      2. Design Software
      - Updates related to SMART-81 and DLL
      - Added loading bar at the bottom of the loading screen
      - Update for RF encoding plugin (Plugin_briquet)
      - Change in the Excel library
      - Bug fixes and added functionality for 70X project, including resetting flipper before printing
      - Added Font Option based on DPI
      - Added pop-up notification when opening CSD files and blocked database functionality
      - Removed checkbox for using SPOOL in printing
      - Modified icons for CSD/CSP files
      - Refactoring of printing-related functions
      - Refactoring of project creation and open functions
      - Added code to find similar printers if the printer name exceeds 64 bytes
      - Adjusted preview position in the DB tab (horizontal/vertical layout)
      - Added shortcuts (DB tab: Ctrl+S, Design tab: Ctrl+Mouse Wheel)
      - Fixed the issue of not displaying GIS Encoder Plugin
      - Modification in the editing screen for printers with different sizes like SMART-81
      - Added MS encoding for SMART-51 and fixed MS encoding for SMART-70
      - Update for Plugin_briquet (RF encoding)
      - Modifications in image capture and Test Capture
      - Adjustments for editing screen of printers with different sizes like SMART-81
      - Bug fix during image rotation and modification
      - Updated image libraries
    • SMART-70 Installation CD 2024.12.04
      Version 24.06.20 266.2M Download
      1. Printer Driver
      - add k-zone
      - Bug fixed for heatcontrol
      2. Design Software
      - SmartComm70.dll update (fixed an issue where printing in driver mode resulted in printing to a different panel)
      - Fixed a bug where the row height in spreadsheets was changing
      - Fixed an issue where encoding with SMART-70 MS would fail if some Track data was missing
      - Modified to ensure normal operation for various cases during MS encoding
      - Fixed a bug in the Plugin_briquet of the RF Plugin
      - Fixed an issue with importing xls files
      - Fixed a bug where the entire panel was printed when applying a UV panel
      - Corrected mistranslations in Japanese
      - When renaming file/project names (.csd, .csp, .db), the table names in the DB file are automatically changed
      - Added JIS Track support for Magnetic Encoding, and modified to allow mixing more than two fields and text during magnetic encoding
      - Enabled the use of 'freeze panes' in imported Excel files
      - Added a popup to select the root folder when an image path is specified only by file name during Excel import
      - Modified to allow copying and saving images upon entering background image editing
      - Added a feature to save images via right-click
      - Fixed bugs in the search function
      - Added GetLastError code for SM_F_DEVIO
      - Updated DLL files
      - Fixed errors occurring on PCs without driver installation
      - Added a message to switch to single-sided printing in the DB tab if the printer does not support duplex printing
      - Limited the number of log files to 50
      - Updated translations for Russian
      - Fixed bugs in the help section
      - Modified the Cabincrewbadge template
      - Added an option to lock the movement of objects in the object properties
      - Fixed a bug where the template wizard opened upon double-clicking to open a project
      - Modified the width of the right object property pane to adjust according to the window ratio
      - Fixed the functionality to print immediately after adding or modifying a card
      - Improved image load functionality when scrolling in the database tab
      - Fixed a bug when creating a blank template
      - Fixed errors in the capture function
      - Changed the name of the uninstall file

      1. Printer Driver
      - not changed (keep version 22.04.28)
      2. Etc
      - Bin folder changed for installing driver on windows 11 22H2 OS version
    • SMART-51, 31 & 21 Installation CD 2025.01.22
      Version 25.1.22 332.8M Download
      1. Printer Driver
      -. Bug fixed for orientation in layout tab

      2. Design Software
      -. DLL Update (Fixed the YMCKOK back color printing bug / Fixed the bug where the ribbon type is incorrectly passed when connecting to the network for SMART-81 / Applied the latest ICM file)
      -. Added previous log format to Print Log
      -. Fixed the error when saving the project at the root of the C drive
      -. Fixed the bug where the drag box does not disappear when dragging beyond the view
      -. Fixed the bug where an incorrect pop-up appears when using a non-color panel ribbon while setting up the YMCKK ribbon printer
      -. Changed the folder settings dialog during project creation
      -. Added NTAG URL encoding feature
      -. Added formatting feature before encoding and progress pop-up during formatting
      -. Updated the manual
      -. DLL Update (Fixed the SMART-81H output bug / Fixed the bug where the front side is duplicated on the back when printing double-sided in the x64 version)
      -. Added ICM file ini settings
      -. Fixed the bug related to printing Vietnamese Unicode extended characters
      -. Fixed the bug where images are incorrectly output during continuous printing
      -. Added a pop-up to choose whether to delete or not delete CSD Fields when opening CSD files
      -. Fixed the bug related to the sorting function in the database tab
      -. Modified the input fields to move sequentially when pressing the Tab key while adding/deleting cards
      -. Fixed the bug where the back side is printed in black and white even when specified as color during double-sided printing with SMART-51 YMCKOK
      -. Fixed the bug where the printer's ribbon type is incorrectly read when connecting to the network for SMART-81
      -. Fixed the bug where the selection box remains when releasing the mouse after dragging outside the screen
      -. Fixed the error when creating a project on the C drive
      -. Add "Template Wizard/Auto Update Config" setting button in the options tab.
      -. Fix bug in "Print/Unprinted Card View" feature.
      -. Add timeout when searching and validating printer drivers.
      -. Update ICM file and DLL.
      -. Fix bug during large data deletion.
      -. Fix file save permission issue during auto update.
      -. Add exception handling for printer driver validation to prevent freeze caused by third-party printer drivers.
      -. Create a plugin tab and migrate functionality.
      -.- Add default encoding for contactless/contactless cards.
      -. Add program auto-update feature.
      -. Update manual.
      -. Modify print history log file feature.
      -. Add popup when entering field functionality after opening CSD document.
      -. Add copyright and license information in Help tab.
      -. Fix error when renaming field names.
      -. Fix bug where the default image of the image object disappears when unsetting/setting a field.
      -. Fix bug in "Print/Unprinted Card View" feature.
      -. Fix bug in Save Preview function.
      -. Add version number to file version.
      -. Adjust loading bar speed.
      -. Fix data change bug in Object Properties Pane.
      -. Fix focus bug when adding filter in Database tab.
      -. Fix bug in "Print After Card Modify/Add" feature.
      -. Fix bug when double-clicking image row in DB tab to insert.
      -. Modify to ignore meaningless Excel data when using Excel import function.
      -. UI change (match each Dialog theme and general modification of Spread Sheet UI).
      -. Fix bug where some items in the right Object Properties Pane don't update.
      -. Modify "Apply All" function when editing images in DB tab.
      -. Fix MS encoding error for SMART-70.
      -. Fix logic for selecting printer during print in Database tab.
      -. Fix issue with non-responsive buttons in the top section of Database tab.
      -. Fix bug where row height changes in Spreadsheet.
      -. Modify MS encoding to work correctly in various cases.

      3. Etc
      -. CleanPrinter : Added comment for laminator model

      1. Printer Driver
      -. Added k-zone

      2. Design Software
      -. SmartComm70.dll update (fixed an issue where printing in driver mode resulted in printing to a different panel)
      -. Fixed a bug where the row height in spreadsheets was changing
      -. Fixed an issue where encoding with SMART-70 MS would fail if some Track data was missing
      -. Modified to ensure normal operation for various cases during MS encoding
      -. Fixed a bug in the Plugin_briquet of the RF Plugin
      -. Fixed an issue with importing xls files
      -. Fixed a bug where the entire panel was printed when applying a UV panel
      -. Corrected mistranslations in Japanese
      -. When renaming file/project names (.csd, .csp, .db), the table names in the DB file are automatically changed
      -. Added JIS Track support for Magnetic Encoding, and modified to allow mixing more than two fields and text during magnetic encoding
      -. Enabled the use of 'freeze panes' in imported Excel files
      -. Added a popup to select the root folder when an image path is specified only by file name during Excel import
      -. Modified to allow copying and saving images upon entering background image editing
      -. Added a feature to save images via right-click
      -. Fixed bugs in the search function
      -. Added GetLastError code for SM_F_DEVIO
      -. Updated DLL files
      -. Fixed errors occurring on PCs without driver installation
      -. Added a message to switch to single-sided printing in the DB tab if the printer does not support duplex printing
      -. Limited the number of log files to 50
      -. Updated translations for Russian
      -. Fixed bugs in the help section
      -. Modified the Cabincrewbadge template
      - .Added an option to lock the movement of objects in the object properties
      -. Fixed a bug where the template wizard opened upon double-clicking to open a project
      -. Modified the width of the right object property pane to adjust according to the window ratio
      -. Fixed the functionality to print immediately after adding or modifying a card
      -. Improved image load functionality when scrolling in the database tab
      -. Fixed a bug when creating a blank template
      -. Fixed errors in the capture function
      -. Changed the name of the uninstall file

      3. Etc
      -. DDInstall : Modify it so that the network can be manually installed simply by entering the IP address
    • SMART-30 & 50 Installation CD (for Windows10) with SmartID 2020.04.13
      Version 160408_WHQL 308.7M Download
    • WISE-CXD80 Installation CD (for Windows 10) 2020.03.05
      Version 4 48.6M Download


